As a behavioral ecologist, I’m drawn to understanding the factors that influence decision-making. I specialize in human reproductive behavior – why people making the mating choices they do. These were the questions that inspired my doctoral research.

The Ecology and Evolution of Human Reproductive Behavior (My Dissertation, PDF)

Female mate choice and the emergence of male coercion (A paper from my dissertation, PDF, Code & Instructions, Supplementary Material)

Evolution and Religion

I understand the difficulty of navigating science when you have beliefs that might conflict. Here you can find some of my efforts to address this problem.

Public Policy

Thing won’t change unless scientists get involved in their communities. Nothing more important than getting good science into the hands and minds of those who can use it to make a difference. Check out the resources I’ve created to help us do just that.

The state of Graduate Student Advocacy is abysmal, even though the need for highly skilled researchers has never been higher. We’re working to change that.

Fallacy Friday!

Once upon a time, I created a series of social media posts on different logical fallacies, hoping that I could make a dent in the rhetoric I saw on a daily basis. Futile as that might have been, at least I have the posts to reference. And you do, too!