Author: admin

  • Common Creationist Complaint: How did the DNA code originate?

    Common Complaint: How did the DNA code originate? The code is a sophisticated language system with letters and words where the meaning of the words is unrelated to the chemical properties of the letters—just as the information on this page is not a product of the chemical properties of the ink (or pixels on a screen).…

  • Common Creationist Complaint: How Did Life Originate?

    Common Complaint: How did life originate? Evolutionist Professor Paul Davies admitted, “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell.” Andrew Knoll, professor of biology, Harvard, said, “we don’t really know how life originated on this planet.” A minimal cell needs several hundred proteins. Even if every atom in…

  • So What is Evolution?

    Probably the biggest reason many dismiss evolution is because most people have no idea what evolution actually is. Evolution is defined as a change in a population over time.  That’s it. I know. It’s that simple. Which is why it is definitely happening. We witness evolution occurring all the time. Any time the genetic makeup…

  • The Facts About Theories

    “Evolution isn’t a fact! It’s just a theory!” Oh, if I had a nickle for every time I heard that …. Contrary to what this statement suggests, evolution being a “theory” does not diminish its standing nor the evidence behind it. A theory means an explanation. This is true both in everyday language and in…