Author: admin

  • Today’s Logical Fallacy is… One Single Proof!

    (“Smoking Gun”) This fallacy occurs when someone rejects overwhelming circumstantial evidence because of the lack of a single “smoking gun” or specific proof (one that may or may not exist ) and thus declares an entire argument, belief, or position invalid. This is a very common tactic for “denialists,” individuals who deny evidence because the…

  • Today’s Logical Fallacy is… Ad Hominem!

    (personal attack, poisoning the well, Guilt By Association, Damning the Source, a type of genetic fallacy) Latin for “to the man,” this fallacy occurs when, in an attempt to undermine or dismiss your opponent’s argument, you attack their personal character instead the validity of the evidence. This is a fallacy because the validity of an…

  • Today’s Logical Fallacy is… Blind Loyalty!

    (the Nuremberg Defense, Blind Obedience, the “Team Player” appeal, Argument from Inertia, Appeal to Loyalty) This very dangerous fallacy occurs when an argument or action is deemed acceptable or correct because an authority figure (parent, boss, commanding officer, adult, coach, etc.) says so. Instead of examining whether or not the idea or order is ethical, reasonable, or…

  • Common Creationist Complaint: How did biochemical pathways originate?

    Common Complaint: How did new biochemical pathways, which involve multiple enzymes working together in sequence, originate? Every pathway and nano-machine requires multiple protein/enzyme components to work. How did lucky accidents create even one of the components, let alone 10 or 20 or 30 at the same time, often in a necessary programmed sequence. Evolutionary biochemist…

  • Today’s Logical Fallacy is… Slippery Slope!

    This fallacy has been chosen especially in honor of today’s Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage! (Also known as “Snowball Argument,” “Domino Theory”) The slippery slope fallacy is based on the idea that if we allow one thing to happen (“A”), then it will inevitably lead to a chain reaction of consequences, eventually culminating in…

  • Today’s Logical Fallacy is…. Equivocation!

    (Semantics, Splitting Hairs, Playing With Words, or Using Legalisms, Fallacy of Equivocation, Doublespeak) This fallacy occurs when someone uses the inherent ambiguity in a word to manipulate the audience by suggesting that a word means something that it doesn’t, often by allowing the meaning of a word to change during the argument and thus invalidating…

  • Common Creationist Complaint: How do evolutionists know that living things weren’t designed?

    Common Complaint: Living things look like they were designed, so how do evolutionists know that they were not designed? Richard Dawkins wrote, “biology is the study of complicated things that have the appearance of having been designed with a purpose.”Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA, wrote, “Biologists must constantly keep…

  • Common Creationist Complaint: Where are the scientific breakthroughs due to evolution?

    Common Complaint: Where are the scientific breakthroughs due to evolution? Dr. Marc Kirschner, chair of the Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, stated: “In fact, over the last 100 years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself. Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at…

  • Common Creationist Complaint: Why is a fundamentally religious idea taught in science classes?

    Common Complaint: Why is a fundamentally religious idea, a dogmatic belief system that fails to explain the evidence, taught in science classes? Karl Popper, famous philosopher of science, said “Darwinism is not a testable scientific theory, but a metaphysical [religious] research programme ….” Michael Ruse, evolutionist science philosopher admitted, “Evolution is a religion. This was true…

  • Common Creationist Complaint: Why is evolutionary ‘just-so’ story-telling tolerated?

    Common Complaint: Why is evolutionary ‘just-so’ story-telling tolerated? Evolutionists often use flexible story-telling to ‘explain’ observations contrary to evolutionary theory. NAS(USA) member Dr Philip Skell wrote, “Darwinian explanations for such things are often too supple: Natural selection makes humans self-centered and aggressive—except when it makes them altruistic and peaceable. Or natural selection produces virile men who…