Category: Nature of Science

  • Today’s Logical Fallacy is…The Continuum Fallacy!

    (Fallacy of the Beard, Line Drawing Fallacy, Bald Man Fallacy, Fallacy of the Heap, Fallacy of the Grey, the Sorites Fallacy) This fallacy occurs when someone claims that just because a concept exists on a continuum that there really is no difference between the two ideas at the ends of the continuum. A type of…

  • Today’s Logical Fallacy is… Anecdotal Fallacy!

    [the “I know a person who” fallacy] This logical fallacy is committed when someone rejects or discounts extensive evidence in favor of an isolated or personal experience. This is often used as the basis for the overgeneralization fallacy and is linked to the Post hoc ergo propter hoc (correlation/causation) fallacy, a fallacy that assumes a…

  • The Nature of Science

    Science is far more than the collection of facts and data that is often presented as “science” in classrooms; it is the process that is used to gather the information that is then presented as science – it is how we discover that collection of facts and data. Not everything can be studied using science…